;Rel. Odinist ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 COMMENT=Updated December 1, 2012 03.1. =Charming of the Plow ;Note=call upon Odin, Frigga & the Land Spirits to heal the Earth and to keep it safe from harm 09.1. =Day of Remembrance for Raud The Strong ;Note=put to death for his loyalty to Asatru {d} 15.1. =Thorrablot ;Note=begin Old Norse month of Snorri 31.1. =Imbolc (>Feb. 1) 02.2. =Barri ;Note=celebrate wooing by Frey of the Maiden Gerd, a symbolic marriage of the God of Fertility with the Mother Earth 09.2. =Day of Remembrance for Eyvind Kinnrifi ;Note=Eyvind tortured to death 14.2. =Feast of Vali ;Note=traditional celebration of the family, originally celebrated death of Hodr by Vali 09.3. =Day of Remembrance for Oliver The Martyr ;Note=Oliver The Martyr was killed 20.3. =Ostara, Vernal Equinox (>March 21) 28.3. =Ragnar Lodbrok's Day ;Note=in RunicYear 1145, Ragnar raided Paris 09.4. =Day of Remembrance for Jarl Hakon of Norway ;Note=restored the worship of the Old Gods and cast out the alien Christ 09.4. =Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson ;Note=Haakon the Great, one of the Jarls of Hladhir ;20.4. =Sumarsdag, Sigrblot Summer's Day ;Note=celebrate 1st day of Summer in the old Icelandic calendar 19.4.+1Th =Sumarsdag, Sigrblot Summer's Day ;Note=celebrate 1st day of Summer in the old Icelandic calendar 22.4. =Yggdrasil Day 30.4. =Beltane, Walpurgisnacht, Walburg, May Eve (>May 1) 01.5. =May Day ;Note=Celebrate the birth of spring & the gifts of Freya 09.5. =Remembrance for Gudrod of Gudbrandsdal 18.5. =Frigga Blot ;Note=rejoice in the warmth and splendor of Spring 08.6. =Lindisfarne Day ;Note=793 CE Vikings raided and ransacked St. Cutherbert's monastery on Holy Island 09.6. =Day of Remembrance for Sigurd The Volsung ;Note=Sigurd the Dragonslayer 20.6. =Midsummer, Summer Solstice (>June 21) 09.7. =Day of Remembrance for Unn The Deep Minded ;Note=powerful figure fron the Laxdaela Saga 29.7. =Stikklestad Day ;Note=1280 CE Olaf the Lawbreaker (St. Olaf) was killed at the battle of Stikklestad 31.7. =Mughnasadh (>Aug. 1) 09.8. =Day of Remembrance for Radbod ;Note=honor Radbod a king of Frisia 28.8. =Freyfaxi ;Note=Dedicated to the God of the harvest, time for harvest 09.9. =Day of Remenbrance for Herman of Cherusci ;Note=leader of the tribe called the Cherusci 20.9. =Winter Finding, Autumn Equinox (>Sept. 21) 08.10. =Day of Remembrance for Erik The Red ;Note=stalwart founder of Greenland, and father of Leif, the founder of Vinland ?28.10. 09.10. =Day of Remenbrance for Leif Erikson ;Note=man who beat Columbus to the shores of Vinland by 500 years 12.10. =Vetrarblot, Winter's Night ;Note=old Icelandic Calendar, Winter begins on the Satyr's day between Hunting 11th and 17th 30.10. =Samhain (>Nov. 1) 09.11. =Day of Remembrance for Queen Sigrith of Sweden ;Note=Sigrith, defender of Asatru 11.11. =Feast of the Einherjar ;Note=honor those dead kin who gave their lives for Family and Folk 28.11. =Feast of Ullr & Skadi ;Note=celebrate the Hunt and to gain the personal luck needed for success 09.12. =Remembrance for Egil Skallagrimsson ;Note=great Viking Age poet, warrior & rune magician 20.12. =Yule, Winter Solstice (>Dec. 21.) 31.12. =Twelvth Night (>Jan. 1) ;Note=culminates the traditional twelve days of Yule ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.geocities.com/odinistlibrary/OLArticles/OdinistCalander.htm ;http://www.odinsvolk.ca/O.V.A.%20-%20SACRED%20CALENDER.htm ;http://home.earthlink.net/~jordsvin/Blots/Lesser%20Feasts.htm ;http://www.asatru.org/holidays.php ;http://odin.org/faq.html